Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I have been tagged by Nneka
Below is the note that comes with the tag. Copy, Edit, Paste and TAG someone so we can get to know other Nigerians in the blogasphere.

"There are tons of Nigerian folks on Blogspot and I think we should get to know each other, I saw this on Xanga and I think its cool so here is how it works.The Rules 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blogspot entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their blogspot IDs. Can you dig it? This is me

1. I make this strange frog-croaking sound in the back of my throat when i'm busy, in deep concentration or being absent minded. Quiet...can you hear it?

2. I'm a recovering TRICHOTILLOMANIAC.... Yup! Was a minor hair puller, but now I just pick my face. [you asked for weird right]

3. I always seem to forget my lotion and toothbrush whenever I'm going on the road so I always have then in my duffle bag waiting for a place to go.

4. I have a very eccentric borderline confused personality; One day I am an ANGRY Igbo Girl with a Pestle dressed in 'Wrappa', the next a peace loving candle-incense burning African hippie throwing Naphtelene[Camphor/Moth] balls all over the house. Then I can be a loquacious liberal lashing out at all things institutional but most of the time wisdom prevails and i'm jovial choosing to restrain my tongue, be reserved, introverted and appear demure whenever neccesary. In trying to analyze my personality I read somewhere yesterday after someone sent me a link to a certain book that i could fall under the category of being an INDIGO CHILD...HMH!?!... skipping the big grammar and translating in Igbo....someone with ogbanje and agwu-ishi tendency... TUFIAKWA!!! GOD FORBID!!! Rejected in Jesus name

5. Finally in making what could be the most important choice in my life, it all came down to color...Yes my people I picked my University because Blue is my favorite color, especially the Carolina/ Baby blue shade even though everything blue that I own now is beginning to look more Turquoisy. [There you asked for weird... and i gave you retarded... enjoy and let the disclaiming begin.]

I have decided to tag the following blogs i've stumbled upon.. Check them Out

Molara Wood
Sisi Oge
Nnorom Azuonye
Jeremy in Abuja
Teju Cole

1 comment:

The Blogmaster said...

Hello Adaure,

I paid you a flying visit the other day, after I saw your comment on my blog. I shall return, but I will need to bring my glasses, I just have a little difficulty reading on non-plain backgrounds. Be well. Blessings.