Saturday, January 20, 2007



December 31st was the most fun I had on any village trip in my entire adulthood. Unfortunately we were once again awakened by the bloody village town crier who was going around at 5am with the gong reminding people about yet another church service. We also had to start the day by fetching water from the back yard well. Our GP tank had run dry. After all the early morning drama, we got all dressed up for church. Once again, although we tried, we could not avoid this one for two reasons. First my dad’s maternal uncle was doing a thanksgiving for his ‘Ezi-nna’ title and my dad’s brother’s wife was doing ‘itopu mkpe’ (ending her mourning period). So you see my friends, no amount of coy, sun, heat or dust could serve as an excuse for us not to be there. And to add to our grief, anything that involves my family is always the last on the list, I just don’t know why. We stood outside the entire time gisting and doing fashion parade like every one else. Gerda and Adanna were stuck with my parents, who have their own seat in church (if I had sat with them the other day, I may have gotten away with not covering my hair). It was hot as heck in there too. Immediately we were done with the obligatory thanksgivings, we went home to change and shifted to my dad’s uncle’s house in Umuduruehie, where there was enough food. This was a wonderful sight considering there was absolutely no food at home as my mother could not be in two places at a time. You know, this Christmas was somehow in our house oh. In the past we’d have food and drinks in excess and ‘out-the-wazoo’. You could go to the store and just grab whatever you want. Is it Star lager, Guinness small stout, odeku (Big Stout), Coke, Fanta, Gulder, malt, even palm wine. The best one you could find in the fridge this time around was UNILAG WATER. WTF!!!! We would kill chicken, goats and if we were lucky to have a good year, a cow would be shared amongst the different houses in our family. And my mother being the ‘Mother-T’ (a play on the words tea and Theresa, because she’s always serving ‘tea’ and serving food to everybody who comes, especially in the morning before she even eats) of the village, if any of the villagers were lucky enough to show up (we call it ukwu-oma or having the good leg) they’ll also get a portion of meat accompanied with rice and may be a tin or two of tomatoes so they can add that their holiday meal. But this year, hmh, the one tiny dwarf-goat that we found in the back yard awaiting slaughter ran away for 2 days and my dad didn’t even shout or over react. He was like, ‘Eh…well God must have rescued the goat, so go and buy mushrooms.’ Wow!!! But we found the goat later and made pepper-soup out of it. Back at my dad’s uncle’s party, we ate enough to last us the night and then we took Gerda and Adanna to ‘Okorosha’, the masquerade dance in the next village. This was the best ever.

In the past, going to Okorosha had never been fun for me. Since we ‘marauded’ in groups according to gender, my cousins, sisters and I always stood very far away and always near someone’s house so that we can run in if a masquerade jumped out. We always made sure we were not wearing trousers, and if we did in anticipation that we would have to run, we would tie wrapper over our pants or wear shorts under our skirt. Last time I visited, I was chased by the one called ‘Egwudo’, a rather wicked, scary and monstrous looking masquerade. I lost my brand-new nine west sunglasses that I bought for full price (Ok that’s no big deal since Dee broke her Roberto Cavalli goggles on Thursday). But this year it was very different. We drove to the Umu-okpara square unsure of what to expect. Me, Nene, Onyi, Gerda and Adanna got out and then the circus began. As sad as it is, Oyibo is good oh. I mean, can I walk around with a white person for the rest of my life? As we got out of the car, one unsightly masquerade spotted us and came over. At this point I would usually run away, especially since I was wearing trousers, but since I was with a white person, I had liver to form big girl and be confident, or were they going to flog me and the white woman. NEVER!! I told Gerda to ask before taking any pictures and did the translating for her. I found myself negotiating photo-ops with masquerades. That masquerade was lucky to get N200, but we got smart and went and got some N20 and N50 notes. We made our way towards the circle only to be greeted by one of the masters-of-ceremony who spoke to Gerda instead of us. He attempted to speak in what he thought was an American accent, ‘would like to have a seat?’ My eyes met with my sisters and the expression was ‘Are you serious?’ The man ushered us into the circle and seated us right in the front. Keep in mind there was no man with us, so this was a very big deal. The masquerades came up to us and danced in front of us and teased. They were not so scary any more. The masquerade that was supposed to be the flirty one kept on playing with us and wanting to collect our money without taking a picture with us. At some point one other MC came and started yelling at them to stop playing with us and taking pictures because we were women. But I had an agenda in mind. I was going to PUNK the masquerade that chased me. I am sure it was not the same dancer in costume, but whatever, I just wanted my picture. We could not get his attention or rather his guide was trying to pull a fast one on us by collecting our money first and asking for an exorbitant amount. I flashed a N500 but he refused to come, then I pulled out them N1000 bill and he seemed interested. I told him the only way he would get the money is if he posed with me for a picture. He obliged and that’s how Addy conquered Egwudo. After that I said a prayer and covered myself with the blood of Jesus because only God knows how many rituals they have to do before they come out on display. But thinking about it, all it took for me to get some bloody respect in my father’s land was to have a white-woman with me. It was fun but I could not help but analyze the conundrum of the situation. I guess until I start cruising town in some brand-new-tear-rubber SUV, build some duplex and starting dashing out mad cash, I’ll have to find a white-person-hand-bag. May be I’ll pick one up on one of my trips back to the States.

Later that night was the much anticipated ‘Ichu-Afo’, driving away the old year on New Year’s Eve. This is technically the part where fire works come in, but in our case it is noise to chase evil spirits. Ground Canons (egbe-ntu), double barrels, knock-out/banger, fire crackers even kids with sticks banging on empty tin-cans interrupt the musical orchestration that the crickets never fail to deliver every night. My sisters refused to go to the mission with me because they were tired, so I went with my cousins Adaobi and Chris. We bought N500 ($5) worth of banger; about 15 boxes with 10 sticks in each. We had to equip ourselves because New Year’s Eve at the mission is a war zone. We staked out one very dark corner and as people passed we’d throw the banger at them, watch them jump around and rave in Igbo, ‘Who is the ‘eeddiot’ that threw that banger? Thunder fire your head.’ Of course, we were dying of laughter and trying not to be loud. The madness however did not start till like 12.30. The new pastor at St. Andrew’s effed up on purpose I think, because usually church lets out at like 12.10. Anyways when everybody came out, it was crazy. Come and see hide-and-seek skills coming out. It was mischief at its best. I didn’t realize when my supply ran out. We headed towards home but my other cousins, some of whom were drunk decided to set a bon fire. They started singing Man-O-war songs like Obi Kerere Nke and some Tony-One-Week songs.

New Year’s Day, we had to go to church gain of course and show face in our ‘and-co’. New Year’s Day in our church is usually the biggest revenue collecting day so we were bound to be there a while. As I said earlier, since I was a kid this church has been collecting funds for a new building or one thing or the other but the window panels, the fans, ceiling and even the paint are more or less the original. They called my father to come and speak small grammar and open the floor for donation. My sister looked at me and was like ‘if this man should give out our flight ticket money in this place it would not be funny in that house.’ He spoke some grammar, being the ‘prof’ and then after a little bit he was like ‘kpana-kpana-kpana ** naira…and I would match the highest donation.’ WHAT? There were a bit too many zeros for my comfort and it ain’t like we are loaded in the sense to be giving out that chunk of money at a time. My sister was like, ‘you better go and tell your father to stop misbehaving.’ Other people came and gave their own. Then ‘Aunty Queen’, who for unexplainable reasons gets the gold medal for most liked, and I say that in sarcasm, opened the floor up for women with a few motivational women-empowerment words, ‘kpana-kpana-kpana ** naira’. Chris’s father came and dropped his own and the church went wild with standing ovation. OK, seems like business was good for some people in 2006. Then what did we hear next, a woman’s voice, ‘Praise the Lord…kpana-kpana-kpana ** naira to build the house of the Lord’. It was my mother.
‘Aw hell no...We are so freaking flying to Lagos, on first class if we can.’ I said as I looked at my equally flabbergasted sisters. I went to the window near where my dad was sitting.
‘Bros, I hope that is not our ticket money you are dashing out?’ tapping him on his shoulder.
‘C’mon gerrout my friend.’ He was obviously irritated by my question.
‘Is it me you are telling to gerrout? OK, it will do you like magic when you wake up tomorrow and don’t find me and your wallet.’ I had my own back up plan just incase plan A would no work.
We grumbled the entire drive back home and talked as if they were not there just to annoy them. I guess he didn’t think we were serious until we woke up at like 4am and started taking our bath and packing up our stuff. We went to him and he was like,
‘So what time does ABC first bus leave?’ He said when I went for collection and to greet him in the morning. I had to gather myself because it was too early for that sort of bad joke.
‘Err excuse me, I am going to the airport o and I need money for my ticket.’ My sisters quickly corrected me.
‘We…we need money for ticket.’ I had never seen reflexes in action like that.
My brother Chiwuike had laughed at us the night before when we’d told him how we were going.
‘Yeah right, you want to collect flight money from your father. Which father is that? You must have the wrong father in mind because it is not the same one that gave birth to us,’ he didn’t realize that we were very serious and had sworn that ‘levels go change in 2007’.
‘So how do you people say you are going?’ Chiwuike asked as we came out with our bags and headed for the car.
‘By air now’ I replied.
His eyes went wide and his face cracked in disbelief, ‘Ehn….Me nko? You did not collect for me? I see how you people are behaving in this house. Me that I have been here since begging and banging my head on the wall to collect and you, you just come from no where and you are collecting money to fly. Why? Because you are nnunu...pigeon....ehn? It's not your fault, Ada-Ugo (Eagle's daughter) or is it Egbe...hawk...answer now...which one…Nonsense!!!!’ By now he's rolling his eyes, demonstrating and ends with a very long, loud and deafening hiss. 'Psheeeewwww!!’
‘You didn’t say you were interested in flying.’ I had to laugh at his ‘half-joke-half-seriousness’. It was too late to include him or even go back to collect funds on his behalf.

We got to the airport and found that Aero Contractor had cancelled all its flights and Virgin was fully booked. Chanchangi was the only option but the 9.30 am and 1.30 pm were fully booked, according to the ticket agent. The 3pm flight was available but they would not start selling that until the other flights had taken off. The Harmattan haze, which is truly air-pollution and smog, was causing major flight delays that day. While we were waiting Dr. Alban, Sound Sultan and Nkiru Anumudu, all wide eyed and Gucci’ed out, rolled in. After a long wait, I decided to go and speak some grammar and phonetics at the airline office to get on a waiting list for the 3pm flight. But when in my conversation I purposely dropped one or two media giant names the agent miraculously found us seats on the flight that had been scheduled for 9.30am. Much to my surprise he turned down the token (not bribe) that I had given him for his ‘kindness’ because truly I just wanted to get on the waiting list for the 3pm flight.
The plane did not leave till 3.30pm and believe me when I say that was the scariest flight I have ever been on. I was nearly pissing in my pants. The roof of the plane was rattling the entire time. The image that kept coming in my head was the promo of ‘Snakes on a Plane.’ The engine sounded like the rickety motorcycles/ okada that ply the highways. It was not funny at all, however I was glad to be back in Lasgidi in a journey that took less than an hour. I could not take one more day in the East nor could I envision myself enduring the trip by road.
I came back and crashed till the next morning only waking in between when someone brought some suya. I woke up the next day, strong enough and well refreshed. That week I met Wild Child of Rhythm FM (He is truly wild) and my other favorite naija musician for 2006, African China. As I escorted folks to the airport, it dawned on me that I would not be going back to America for a while. Hmh… don’t know how I feel about that yet but I do know that if I was leaving there would not have been a dry eye at the airport. I am sure I would have cried all the way to California. Truly there is no place like home, even if it is not as comfortable as one wishes it to be. Right now I am trying to make some new friends to add to the old ones and of course settle into my new environment. I am already driving on the crazy Lagos roads and without a license if I may add. And is it just me or is MNET AFRICA MAGIC channel just not addictive. It is the Nollywood movie channel and once my remote lands on it I just can’t seem to get away.



Anonymous said...


Lola said...

hello! i guess i should say welcome back to nigeria. I've been reading your blog but then was watching local tv one day and there it just clicked. I think you were reporting on how fuel scarcity affects price of everyday goods. I'm glad many more people are coming back to apply their knowledge and worldwide standards to every facet of the nigerian industry. Keep doing you!

Anonymous said...

adure i actually listed to u on STV news @10 19-01-07 reporting on children hawking --- nice on you are actualy on your way to the TOP!

Anonymous said...

nice one again adaure. u always crack me up with these stories. i'm sooo looking forward to going to naija later this year. Godbless you hun and KEEP THE STORIES COMING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Adaure 'nuff respect were quite brave to take a "Bolekaja-in-the-air" lol.
Seems you're having a good time. All the best on your way to the top, i see all your dreams coming keep on truckin'!!!

Anonymous said...

Proud to see how you make everything that we have been made to believe is primitive so BEAUTIFUL.

I too used to be scared of the masquerade(s) at my hometown ... Notice i said "USED"? I guess I will know for sure how so unscared of them I am now when i go home for xmas this year.

Thank you for taking me back.


Anonymous said...

hello addy.
nice one once again.
abeg my sister, dont drive on lagos road without license o, even if it is fake one you have.
You just do not need police wahala, cos dem dey craze nowadays, especially with women.
seem the days of 'you dont know who my father or husband is!!' has passed.
I used to be one of those, but im much wiser now, after one or 2 experiences.
Love ya girl.

Yankeenaijababe said...

oooooooooo eh yah..........aduare got me hooked . love ya aduare. stay blessed.

Daddy's Girl said...

Adaure, I enjoyed your report on child labour on Friday night. It was very educative, thoroughly researched and well put together. Please keep up the good work.

LOL at 'Nkiru Anumudu all Gucci-ed out and wide-eyed'. So apt.

Anonymous said...

just checked the last webbie- wow! what i want to know is if this couple is in yankee, jand or naija?
their proposal story rivals adaures'-sorry addy, i'm a huge fan of yours but this story was very vivid and i felt it was playing out before my eyes... cute couple

Anonymous said...

this is the link to the event planer for bisi's wedding
I know addy, we keep looking to your blog for info on weddings in naija!

Anonymous said...

they live in yankee but went to naija for their engagement it seems

Anonymous said...

... so u are now on naija tv...can we get a clip on youtube abeg.... keep up the good work...
i enjoyed reading your village stories..... cant wait to see u in person.... abeg i am planning medical mission to naija later in the year... i might need your connection ...
have a wonderful week... please write more..abeg

uknaija said...

Adaure! Adaure!! Adaure!!! How many times did I call you?

Please o leave Chanchangi and follow Virgin Nigeria and Aero Contractors at least until Fani Kayode and co sort out the aviation industry! I beg you

And it's true you so do not want or need Naija police wahala

angie said...

lol.@(Bros, I hope that is not our ticket money you are dashing out?’ tapping him on his shoulder.
‘C’mon gerrout my friend.’ He was obviously irritated by my question.
‘Is it me you are telling to gerrout? OK, it will do you like magic when you wake up tomorrow and don’t find me and your wallet.’).

Babe u r one good story teller. if i get sacked from work u wil get me another job oh!!can't wait for ur story abt the encounter wit area boys..

low said...

SISTER? Umm why didnt i see u ?????..anyhoo i'll be seeing u pretty soon..i'll email u now

Doc A said...

Kai see as mentioned Nkiru aka big eyes...lmao!!! You described her to the T!

jak said...

have you considered becoming a comedic writer? you are so funny

Anonymous said...

Hey Adaure..Glad to hear you are reporting, thats really awesome kiddo! You are trouper..congrats

Justme said...


Omuluzua said...

Chai, Adaure...... i ga egbu kwa madu!!! with laughter of course..... really nice postings perfect for lunch breaks

MOT said...

lol babe u're nutz! what's this I hear about u on tv?? Gonna have to check out STV tonite... Don't worry the Africa Magic addiction happens to EVERYONE when they get back... U'll get over it! lol

Bella Naija said...

Adaure darling
LOLz at the villa gist!
That God for journry merciers...nothing in this world can allow me take chachangi or sosoliso!
anyways, congrats on ur TV stuvves...u didnt even tell me!

Anyways, I'll hola at u this week.


Unknown said...

Addy Baby!! You are fast beconig a star!! Way to go girl!! Can we get some clips of you reporting please? It may seem like you blowing ur trumpet but then, we requested for it!! Those of us here in the diaspora dont want to miss out on Addy's reporting skills on STV. Or is there any blogger out there who can help get clips of Addy reporting for STV?

Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Cheers!!!

kulutempa said...

you people are truly your father's children...i see now where you get your sense of humor from. let me know when you're on TV, so i can watch. peace.

Fluffycutething said...

These ur gists r quite amusing....
I've been inspired to start blogging because of some of them

Abeg how do i get onto this Naija blogsville something???????

U r a "real village" gal like me (lOl)

Lady A said...

I'm glad you made it home safetly.
My mom says, 'no matter where you travel, extravagant or thrifty, there is no place like home.' I totally agree. There is no place like being in your own bed!

Anonymous said...

Adure pls pls update !
I understand its because the internet service is not 'soo avaliable ' in nigeria so u have to go to the cyber cafe !
cant wait to see the pictures !!!

Anonymous said...

The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.

Atlanta's I-20 Racer, 250_mph_motorcyclists.
It was surreal, like Close Encounters of the Third Kind::::Floating lights zipping towards me faster than anything I've ever seen

Oakland is the final 20th century professional sports-based bastion of institutionalized racism in California.
Oakland is the last city in California which has a major sports complex on the edge of the ghetto. Staples Center replaced the LAForum in Inglewood and PacBellPark replaced Candlestick in BayView/Hunter'sPoint.
Restricting tickets in Oakland has hurt blacks by rejuvinating this market for scalpers.
I'd like to note the absence of black players on the A's and how this deliberate message starkly contrasts to the SFGiants.
Don't support Major League Baseball. They allow this racist behavior within their organization, they're redwhite&blue-prey upon the disfavored, were the #1 modern distraction before television, etc.

In their reports the media intentionally ignored the reality of this case:::He didin't want to go home.
Interviewed a child therapists who commentted consistant with her profession. Hey lady!!! You woud have gotten thousands of years had you not chosen this line of work!!!! Keep prescribing that poison (they say too many of them still think they're earning by doing so!!!).
Likely they were peaking him euphoircally homosexually, and they say when it happens pre-pubescent like that it means something.
Possibility #2 is he found out his parents complied fully with what they were told, that they sabotaged their children's lives intentionally because they would never defy, and got the hell out out of self-preservation. (It also is the reason for all the elder neglect/abuse as well.)
Like so many others Mom may have complied when asked to sabotage their children's lives, to go to the grocery store and buy the specific products laced with the hormone growth poison (explosion of "big people" in last 40 YEARS!!!), totally unncecessary because Artificial Intelligence can accomplish these results (and all others, incuding AIDS:::::The gods instructed their clones to create AIDS as punishment for the hedonism of the 60s and 70s) yet still important for justification, justification an important dynamic for the sake of positioning; justification, scapegoatting and making one pay for the benefit of another typical organizational policy.
So, assuming foul play wasn't an issue, the numbers would be very telling:::::
1. Most IF NOT ALL girls left because they found out their parents were sell-out whores who betrayed their children. It is very rare when they peak females like they do males.
2. Boys potentially could be peaked euphorically for it is JUSTIFIABLE!!!
They suggest they matched the two, they told the child this man was the person the gods wanted him with so he went with him.
What percentage is foul play an issue? 10%? 20%? So over half of the three-fourths of missing kids do the right thing by getting out, escaping an abusive parent who falls for temptation and obeys absolutely??? Considering that hormone growth poison in the designated grocery products will make them gargantuon, 1'-2' and 100lbs bigger than they should be, I'd argue they did the right thing (wild profits in this industry was "the rope", temptation for the disfavored investor who incurred evil which limited their time).
The girls end up with broken hearts, crushed by their own parents.
In other cases after making some progress the girls arrange for a new home telepathically and the girls escape to a healthy environment conducive to growth or directly off Planet Earth, sometimes with the parent's assistance.
Leaving a disfavored household is the best thing that could happen to them. They say (my family's daughter) needs to get out of this enviornment or she won't have a chance, but unfortunately she has a legacy of gosip mongering which is going to be a big, big hurdle to overcome.
So what's the purpose of parental betrayal? Did the gods want disposable generations from the 20th century? Was this important during the generations in which we became technological? Is the Apocalypse right around the corner and they needed to justify the deterioration of society, necessitating employing these deceptive tactics to the undesirable???
More than a few cultures agreed December 21, 2012 was going to be The End!!!!!
Does California subduct first?

"Hip-hop fucked"======================= (equals) < ifuckgod(dot)com > 11/27 11:09:35
1. Mysoginistic, a MAJOR scourge of blacks (elder women of earth will never support, not even your own foremothers)
2. Masculinizes the women ("THAT MEANS IT'S BAD FOR YOU!!!")
3. Makes violence socially acceptable.

The gods use the United States to hurt the disfavored, at home and abroad, for it is the goal of redwhite&blue:::
20th century welfare hurt the black community very, very badly. There was too many abuses of the system and its legacy is still felt today.
There will come a time that will be a CRUCIAL moment in the history of black america (whether it is a critical time for everybody remains to be seen). When that era arrives the gods will instruct the United States to pay black people reparations, and it may be as much as a million dollars for every man, woman and child.
Refuse it. This is an act of preditation. The gods hate Africans, evident by the sorry state of the people in the United States and back in the motherland. This may ba a choice between going and the money. Understand how the gods use greed and materialism against you:::::Blacks wallow in materialiam, incurring evil and costing themselves time. And when their time DOES come they will be granted reparations immediately prior, further limiting the number of Africans who ascend.
The day IS coming when they will grant reparations, and the amount will be staggering, another tactic to ensure you fail in the quest to ascend into heaven. And many of the disfavored blacks will blow it all; the gods will push them into spending it friviously or losing it in their casinos.

Woman obeyed voices told her to throw children < off_a_balcony > 11/28 22:15:27
Woman obeyed voices that told her to throw her children off a balcony in Oakland. Another where a woman threw her children into SFBay.
This incident and others like it are clues to individuals like like my family who otherwise would never defy.
These two incidents were not hear about again after the incident/trial because they were both black, yet the two white incidents are still examined in length on cable news outlets.

Similarity between the names "Santa" and "Satan" no_coincidence

The Biblical account of Noah's flood was regional to the disfavored Mediterrean (water levels lowered because of the ice age, land bridge at Straight of Gibralter broke through, habitation ocurred at seaside), peoples whom the gods scapegoatted when they pushed them into the evil that justified the flood, behavior similar to that which we are witnessing today. Because they have leveled the playing field for all people (purebloods and mongrels) in the decades prior to the 21st century is a clue they will end globally this time (westernization, materialism, immigration/interracial, homosexual, access to disturbing media, desensitization, etc).

Decent women don't engage in these pursuits. < _I_FUCK_GOD > 12/21 15:17:40
Beer is a corruptor and a dumping ground 4 men < _I_FUCK_GOD > 12/21 15:09:19
professional sports, video games, car racing/fixing up cars, pornography, drinking, gambling, etc.
Decent women don't engage in these pursuits.
In the last 40-50 years the gods have engaged in a process which masculinized women, including casual sex, partying, partifcipatory sports and women's prisons.

god fucks the disfavored, plays the role of evil < ruining_life_on_Earth > 12/21 17:54:31
And all your forefathers were either pushed into their offenses or they complied and did it voluntarily.

So much of this mind poisoning social "progressiveness" was initiated in California. In a couple of decades it pervaded east into the heartland AMONG THE MASSES, widespread instead of isloated.
Gay acceptance/marriage, bi-racial acceptance, casual drug use/sex, cable TV, etc. So many things weren't present in the heartland decades ago.
Because they are favored. Contrary to appearances, contrary to popular perception their favor got them extra time. In California the gods hurt the disfavored with this abuse right off the bat.
California is favored. It is the land of the gods, and when they disfavored invade, as they did during the gold rush, the gods strike back.
The gods pushed them into coming, told others, for only the disfavored are misled this way.
Soon they scapegoatted these disfavored's descendants when the gods exported their wicked, sick sub-cultures to the rest of the nation. One day they will punish these descendants.
California subducts first. And those who have gone will get less time.
Expect similar reverse positioning in the Jesus issue.
This is typical of the positioning of the gods. It's crucial that you begin to think correctly.
There is no such thing as a Christian god and there never was. Be god-fearing.

Ms SoontobeMum said...

Are you ok girl?

I hope the stress of Lagos life is not getting to you.

Holla at us, i've missed ur sense of humour and cant wait to see your village pics.


uknaija said...

Come, dis girl, wey ya update? Seriously, hope you're ok

Aramide said...

hehehe we need pics up fast and soon! And wanna know about the Area Boys Encounter

Unknown said...

This is very unlike you. Its been almost a month since you updated last. Are you ill or under the weather? Or the pressure of work? Either way, we miss you terribly!!! Update please!!!

Anonymous said...

i seriously hope you are ok !!!