Friday, February 29, 2008


Newton Jibunoh's Green Desert Expedition
Have you met this 70 year old man who has conquered the Sahara desert twice and is gunning for a third? When some nigerians hear about his love for this suicide mission, they think this man must be crazy, bored and must have nothing else to do with time and money. But Newton Jibunoh is far from that description. He is just a simple man who is passionate about the fight against desert encroachment, global warming and the environment. Chief as he is fondly called went on his first lone expedition across the Sahara when he was just 27. Then at 62 he tried again for the second time. No one went with him on that one and it seemed like no one was getting it. Perhaps it's because he did not document those first two trips to show what his fight is all about. Now at 70 he's taking a cue from fellow environmentalist, Al Gore and is going to do just that. Put it in pictures so that WE CAN ALL GET IT. This time he is not alone. Some people have gotten the message and have volunteered to join Nigeria's very own desert warrior as he makes history. It's sort of like a reality show in the making but for a good cause. The cast includes Ebun Olatoye a journalist, from True Love West Africa, ace photographer Kelechi Amadi-Obi, filmmaker Titi Laoye, Afam Ugah an IT specialist and, Joseph (?) a mechanic. The crew will be going through the coast of West Africa to Accra and access the route to the desert through Northern Ghana. That's where I'll be getting off, in Tamale and wishing the expedition team the best of luck. Unfortunately I can't go all the way. I second guessed myself and didn't sum up the courage to ask for myself to go on the trip. Lesson learned--NEVER HESITATE UNLESS YOUR GUT SAYS SO!! Anyways Silverbird TV is a media partner on this expedition along with NTA and CNN. I am looking forward to this trip and hoping to get cool video material. I have taken a few tablets of GESTID to also make sure I don't have any emergency along the way. Well visit the FADE website at and read some of these articles below to get the full scope of things.

Adventure of a lifetime at 70
Attempting the Impossible
Combatting Desert Encroachment in Nigeria

You can also read his book, Me, My Desert and I where he chronicles his second trip across teh Sahara. There's a wealth of articles on the subject via google, so enjoy the read and share your views. Here are some pictures from the official flag off with the Lagos State Government
Newton Jibunoh and some newspaper reporters

Silverbird TV's environment correspondent Vivian Irikefe interviewing Ebun Olatoye
Kelechi Amadi-Obi with his 'baby' striking a pose
' FADE-SUZE 1' -- One of the 3 desert mobiles -- This is 'JIBS' mobile with his bed attached above
' Papa Jibs the Desert Ranger', Addy and the 'FADE SUZE 4'


Engee said...

can i join? sounds like FUN!!!!

Bella Naija said...

Wow. I read about this in TLWA some months ago and I was very impressed.
Good to see its going ahead.
I have to say, Ebun, Kelechi, Chief and all others on the trip are extremely brave!
I cannot even imagine myself embarking on such an adventure.
Lots of kudos to them!

Damola said...

These guys are really bold out there...I must say Nigerians are doing big things nowadays. These guys deserve awards.


Unknown said...

Good to see him doing this at the age of 70. Hope he makes it across the sahara.

By the way is it me or are you cuter since you moved back to naija. Who is the lucky man?

ababoypart2 said...

I wish this man well. Life is simply an adventure, adding more adventures to it makes it more memorable.

Unknown said...

Best Wishes Addy. I wish you were going all the way with them.

I just read the comment on Jeremy's page that an immigration guy at on of the borders you guys crossed asked how many ladies were on the trip and when he was told, he replied "One for each man huh?" LOL!! One for each man indeed. (smile)

eki112 said...

I meet him on my flight back to london this january and he was so excited about his trip...he says its his third and last so fingers crosed.

libvixen said...

i love all ur articles