Caught on Video
Sorry to Kill the JAY-Z love going on but have you guys seen this video of JAY Z allegedly punching a South African woman on the AND network site. It is making its rounds in SA.
Is it real? This article says NO... that it happened a while ago and it is not a fan in SA but some one on his crew. What do you think? Looks like an attempt to cast a negative light on JAY-Z.
(the above is a timely break out to the real topic)
There have been some opinions about the This Day concert that featured JAY-Z and Beyonce about the cost of the tickets and the fees they were paid. Here's one sent in by a reader...
"Adaure, i was wondering why you didn't cover the This day Music festival as many other blogs did. I was waiting to post my opinion when you did, but anyways, here it is: I really don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way but something is totally amiss with the concept of the This day festival, i can't stand to watch it without getting angry; the reason? It could be that we, Nigerians have our priorities utterly misplaced. First the people dancing for 53hrs straight to break some world record, now this? HOW IN THE WORLD CAN PEOPLE PAY UP TO 100K for a show promoting foreign artistes- in a country struggling to promote our image economically and culturally?! I understand the festival's role in promoting cultural tourism but not through a misguided festival for Nigerians. We are meant to sell ourselves to the world, In my opinion, this is excessivness at its worst."
I'll share my opinion later but what say ye... do you share or oppose this reader's view?
Plus Madonna's Adoption of a Malawi boy. It's celebrities and their Africa Pet projects.
All that coming the mean time I want to hear what you have to say.
Sorry to Kill the JAY-Z love going on but have you guys seen this video of JAY Z allegedly punching a South African woman on the AND network site. It is making its rounds in SA.
Is it real? This article says NO... that it happened a while ago and it is not a fan in SA but some one on his crew. What do you think? Looks like an attempt to cast a negative light on JAY-Z.
(the above is a timely break out to the real topic)
There have been some opinions about the This Day concert that featured JAY-Z and Beyonce about the cost of the tickets and the fees they were paid. Here's one sent in by a reader...
"Adaure, i was wondering why you didn't cover the This day Music festival as many other blogs did. I was waiting to post my opinion when you did, but anyways, here it is: I really don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way but something is totally amiss with the concept of the This day festival, i can't stand to watch it without getting angry; the reason? It could be that we, Nigerians have our priorities utterly misplaced. First the people dancing for 53hrs straight to break some world record, now this? HOW IN THE WORLD CAN PEOPLE PAY UP TO 100K for a show promoting foreign artistes- in a country struggling to promote our image economically and culturally?! I understand the festival's role in promoting cultural tourism but not through a misguided festival for Nigerians. We are meant to sell ourselves to the world, In my opinion, this is excessivness at its worst."
I'll share my opinion later but what say ye... do you share or oppose this reader's view?
Plus Madonna's Adoption of a Malawi boy. It's celebrities and their Africa Pet projects.
All that coming the mean time I want to hear what you have to say.
JAY-Z , This Day Concert, Madonna and the African Pet Projects
I have been waiting for the right opportunity to discuss this and I have somethings on my mind. First of all let me give all kudos to my fellow bloggers, Bella, Taureanminx and Don Chi for their exceptionally brilliant and impressive 'point-to-point-team coverage' of what was undoubtedly the biggest hip-hop concert to hit the shores of West-Africa. If I owned my own darn TV station I would hire ya'll and we would give Entertainment Tonight a run for their money Africa Style. As in did they literally put the organizing news magazine to shame or what? I hope This Day execs get to read this...SEND THE REPORTER ON THAT BEAT TO DESK DUTY FOR 2 WEEKS FOR GETTING SCOOPED ON YOUR TURF. One would think that in this day and age of New Media that a major news leader, for whom I imagine has a large number of Internet readership based in the diaspora, as is with many online Nigerian newspapers, did not provide any coverage online save for a few poorly written articles and poor quality photos. Their complete wrap up came a week later after the bloggers had floored them and the sizzle had ultimately fizzled. I hope the Internet version does not reflect the hard copy coverage. That having been said the organizers, This Day truly out did and surpassed expectations and deserve due credit. It is easy to sit at my computer, millions of miles away and lambaste, criticize and theorize about their choices, motives and our priorities as a nation. That's a mental exercise that some of us burden ourselves with when in actuality no body gives a flip. The concert is like so over, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Busta are gone and I am freaking bitter. As much as I would have sworn not to pay the ridiculous amount that was the cost of the ticket (ranging from an equivalent of $200 -$800 depending on who you ask), as a typical Nigerian girl, I would have shamelessly found an 'Aristo' or 'interested-fellow' to foot the bill, not just because paying such an excessive amount on a concert or item of limited value goes against my principles but because there is less guilt in spending someone else's money. As a last resort a puppy face for my old-man or a series of 'successive-obtainments' from him would have done the trick and gotten me either the cheapest possible ticket available or the VIP ticket respectively. Again, the later being highly unlikely because of prudence. I probably would have pocketed the money and tried to get a FREE press pass.
But hypocrisy, fan flare and aspersions aside, it begs to question, what was this concert about because it appears to be double faced in the way it was presented versus what it was really about. And did our senators and governors get courtesy tickets or did they seriously pay $1000 to attend a hip-hop concert while their constituents live on a less than a $1 a day (Scratching my head...skewered priorities?). I am sure I am not the only one asking this or who was thinking this as I read down the list of dignitaries who attended? I also have to ask did we really need 'foreign' musicians to front line a music festival about 'Nigerian Independence'? It looked more like a 'July 4th' celebration on 'October 1st' because it was not about Nigerian music but American music. Truth be told no one really cared about the Nigerian acts, they were there just to fill up time.
Then what is up with Jay Z masquerading what is indeed an 'Africa Tour' ahead of his album release as a UN mission and about water conservation. Who are we kidding? For all intents and purposes bringing awareness to the water shortage is noble but after reading this article, not asking whether this whole thing is less about water shortage than his comeback is simply fatuous. This is a classic form of patronization. I would probably differ in opinion if Jay Z and co turned around and gave back their concert fee to a cause in the places they visited but since all the buzz I am yet to read anything about either of these people making any donation to either the water project or the places they have visited in Africa. My 'google news alert ' has been known to be slow on delivery so fill me in if you have any information that shows otherwise. And if I may borrow the words of Y.A and I quote "I don't remember any (US) state governor having Styl-Plus help open power plant(re:borehole) when they came over here o". Lol... seeing Jay Z in the Emir regalia though was priceless and showed he was really into his trip.
Truth be told lending his image to the cause will help turn the world eyes to the continent and the issue. In addition the success of this concert has been kinda positive for Nigeria. I say that hesitantly because the concert is what it is, entertainment...that's being used as part of an image building campaign. Without the facts behind the deal (relying on news articles)I can't say too much but let me put it in a term that paints a clearer picture. This would be like giving incentives and tax breaks (performance fee) to lure Transnationals (high profile celebrities) sample our market (entertain us) and help refine our crude oil (improve our image) by shipping it out of the country (positive media coverage and buzz) so that it becomes more attractive and is of more value. The success of which is expected to result in more Transnationals and conglomerates to becomes interested (foreign investment) so as to boost our economy. Hmh...I don't know about that over simplified theory but that seems to be what is most implied. Misguided as it may be it makes small sense and could actually work. It is still to soon to call the jury out on that. But over all, the concert was entertaining, Nigerians loved it, it brought business for some people, and took away other people's pocket money. It was hip-hop at its best with a promise of more to come. Hopefully P.Diddy, John Legend (whom ever else is famouse that year) May be it is just us in the diaspora, and those who have high speed internet and extra times on our hands, but I am hoping we can get to a point where we won't have to ask these hard questions and just see things as mundane as this on the face value for what they are. But who am I kidding, it's Nigeria we are talking about and sometimes that's kinda hard.
Coincidentally another celebrity was also in Africa making the rounds just like Jay Z, Anderson Cooper, George Clooney etc. I guess the past month it has all been about somebody famous or the other going to Africa. Truth be told celebrities have good intentions and mean well to lend their images to certain causes but some of them make it about themselves that they defeat the purpose and essence of why they were there in the first place. Our dear Madonna and her adoption issue for example. Is she copying Brangelina or this is just Madonna being Madonna? Attention Seeker.... I just wonder? This whole adoption of a 'poor unfortunate African baby' is beginning to look more like a fad than anything. One reminiscent of the Hollywood celebrity and their Chihuahua and toy-puppy phase (@ Calabar Girl I drew this parallel before your comment so let's just say great minds think alike). These are children we are talking about not goods or animals at Petco. What should we expect next Paris and Nicole adopting African babies too. Believe you me that's coming soon to your next tabloid stand. Let's also not forget the rave that it was also for Americans to adopt Asian children. If I recall correctly didn't some of them end up in the sex trafficking trade?
So now that Malawi's government has expedited Madonna's adoption of the child does that now mean that the law that disallows adoption by non-resident is no longer valid? This again is another between a rock and hard place situation because Madonna's situation is bringing well needed and over due attention to the many Aids orphans but does it have to be about her as well. Some of these celebs should take a cue from Oprah and Bono who have mastered the art of being entertainment celebrity philanthropist without casting too much of the spotlight on themselves and turning it into PR. George Clooney and his dad are also doing it well with the Darfur matter. The more the merrier but this should not be an exercise in egotistical splendor. When people start questioning your motives then perhaps it is time to reacess and say 'Wait a minute' because you must have sent the wrong unintended message. Africa has been exploited enough, there is not need to exploit us any more. Rather than all this misplaced need to give a child a 'loving home' away from home how about sponsoring the child's upkeep and education, build and maintain a school for the orphans, build, equip and sponsor an Aids of Fistula clinic, buy sewing machines for the women in shelters to learn a trade. These would go a longer way than shopping for a baby to bring into a dysfunctional lifestyle that the Hollywood celebrity life can be. One day one marriage another divorce, custody battle, paparazzi problem. Life in the quiet African Village without electricity begins to seem more appealing amidst that chaos . Many of us are afraid to say this but I will... lets pray some of these children don't turn into your stereotypical Hollywood kids who are strung out on drugs and alcohol by the time they are legal.
Again who the hell am I? If it bother's me that much perhaps I should step away from my computer and go and that which I think is proper. It is not my place to judge or question people's personal or business choices and motives. What they do with their time, money and fame. I am merely an observer, a citizen-Kane expressing my opinion. Am I right? I don't expect to be and don't have to be. Could this all be an incoherent pointless diatribe? Perhaps so, Perhaps not, I have put it out there, you decide. Do you have to agree with my point of view? Absolutely not, but do take one. Should you ask questions and think critically about some of the, albeit, mundane things that happen in our world today? To that I say an unequivocal 'You betcha you should'.
The Floor is away
actually this video is old. its been around for a couple years now... mos definitely didn't happen in SA. with regards to the ticket prices and how everything went down, its pure capitalism at its finest. pure economics, if we pay they will come... and if we are willing to pay that much for ticket prices to see a bunch of uninspiring folks then we surely deserve what we get.
as par the adoption of African babies, its a tough call, on one hand they are providing material things that these children will never ever have a chance of getting in their previous shituatuions, on the other hand, they are being taken/disconnected from their culture... personally I love the way brangelina is going about rasing their brood, they seem to recognize that they are from other parts of the world and need to maintain that connection to home...
I suspected the authencity of the video. There was no look of shock on anybody's face around him and they made no attempt to restrain him either after the 'deed'. Thank God its not for real.
Its a case of mixed feelings about this celebrity adoption of African babies thing. I had no qualms about Angelina & Brad's adoption but the bandwagon is getting too long. Are African babies being likened as Chihuahua's to be dressed up and showed off in celebrities arms? She could conveniently have given a monthly sum to take care of a whole lot of other african babies who equally need care instead of singling out just one babby. Thats my view anyway.
The dancing record isnt a bad thing. Just trying to put Nigeria in a better limelight. So also the Jay-z concert. Those who could afford it went -those who couldnt afford it, didnt. Its as simple as that.
Excuse me for a minute while i get some ice 'cuz i just felt my Blood pressure go over 200/89mmhg.......i swear i am ready to shoot Jay-Z right about now.
Kai!!! that bastard relative of Godzilla, i swear him own don spoil finish. And why the hell are people feeding into the stupid excuse, about the tape not being valid, abeg, make i hear word jo. Not valid ko, not valid ni
I believe that clip is 100% valid, all that B.S about "the lady in the video being a memeber of his crew" is just his PR people trying to do damage control. I've actually picked up some offesive vibe in his previous songs. Case in question; the album titled "blueprint" (believe it debut 2002) there was a derogative comment he made about an African chick in the lyric to the song "girls,girls,girls"....there was a part in the song he goes "i gotta African chick.....she's always asking me; Jayz why u treat me like animal, i'm like Excuse me Miss Fufu but when i met your ass, you were dead broke and naked, now you want half"..... Now if that ain't offensive, i don't know what the hell it is!!! And even if the lady in the clip wasn't a South African woman, who and what still gives him the right to push her like that? its not like the fact that she's not African justifies his action. How would he like it if it were his mother or sister was getting shoved repeatedly like that? All i can say is; I hope Beyonce has registered and started taking some self-defence classes because, omo, i can almost see what the future holds for her. She would go from high-yellow to black-purplish-yellow when he's through with her.
As far as the concert goes, i believe the whole thing was OVERPRICED just like everything in Naija is overpriced. Fancy me going to a concert that cost damn near 900 bucks....i gotta to be on crack to do that. I have been to 3 Jayz concerts since i've been here, one in madison sqaure garden in NY, twice in ATL, and never have i paid over $100 for any of the tickets, and we had nice front roll seats in case u where wondering where we sat. And for Beyonce's tour in Charlotte NC (2004) the ticket was less than $60 for some nice front row seats. So why people in Nigeria would allow themselves to be exploited is beyond me.
And don't even get me started on the whole "African Adoption thing" first it was Angelina Jolie, to an extent i thought her's was genuine but Maddona!!! abeg, she probably wants an harmless, exotic looking Monkey for her children to play with, and decided an African hunger striken boy will suffice.
Oprah is genuine in her efforts to eradicate poverty and better people's life in Africa, Bono is Authentic and a pure genuis at shedding light on the monstrous disease called AIDS and how it has destroyed Africans, Even Angelina Jolie is real about helping folks in Africa through her charity work. I am sick and tired of celebrities jumping on the bandwagon of " Helping Africa" when they have nothing but their selfish interest at heart. All they are thinking about is their name and career and couldn't give a flying f&#k about Africa and its damn problems. Where was Madonna during the Hutu and Tutsi saga in the early 90's? a dreadful genocide that wiped out thousands of Rwandans. Her career i beleive was going strong then. Now that her ass ain't doing so good on the charts she needs the good 'ole "helping Africa project" to boost and revive her career by people seeing her image in a different light. Hell, it worked for Angie, why not her too? Enough said. As far as i am concerned, she's a fake! a low down dirty manipulator tryna take advantage of innocent people.
I know some folks might disagree with me buy hey, that's my two cents.
Tutsy, someone's said it up there but i don't know why you ignored it. That Jayz tape is sooo old. I'm talking like over two years old. About a year ago, it resurfaced again, and MTV even picked it up. They interviewed the woman, and yes, it IS a woman from jayz's crew. And they were play fighting. Now to me, it does seem a little rough, but hey, i ain't them so............I wonder how long it will be before the video comes up YET AGAIN.....
I somewhat agree with Jem about the adoption of African babies. Fine, Madonna's motives might not be pure, but what's the end goal? or what would have happened to that child? Something is better than nothing in this case.
About the ticket prices, like someone else said, it's pure economics. I think it's sad, but that's capitalism. My issue would be figuring out how the people that have their money have it. I saw an $80,000/month townhouse in an Ovation article recently...I mean seriously, is that for real? If I was president, I would definitely arrest whoever lives in those houses if they can't explain to me how they got their's that simple!
having read only 70% of this very VERBOSE blog (bloody hell, Adaure!!), my only comment is about the African adoption craze that's springing up all over the place. in fact, this goes beyond just adopting children; US celebrities are bloody adopting whole villages and countries in the name of "getting the word out there". it's funny you bring this up, because i've been eaten up with fury for the past two or three weeks at the number of "save Africa" themes i'm seeing in the media these days. on one hand, i'm furious at the way Westerners continue to refer to the entire continent as though it is one giant village that is full of people who are paralyzed by poverty, so poor and illiterate that we will never be able to help ourselves without their wisdom and expertise, when there are rich, educated Africans who, when they try to do the same for their own, are put out of business, locked up, killed--anything but honored and supported, because the powers that be don't want the spotlight taken off them. but i'm even MORE irate and disgusted with how the bloody africans who ARE in a position to change entire countries around if they would just hand over their stolen government money, just sit with their arms folded and throw fucking meaningless concerts for exorbitant amounts of money and make a mockery of their own people! i am ASHAMED of nigeria, i am ASHAMED of the greater African leadership. this is only a comment, so it can't be as long as i want it to be; it can't say everything that i want to say, but i really cannot wait for the day Africans take their own destiny in their own two hands and stop waiting for awon Oprah, Alicia Keys, Jay-Z and Angelina Jolie to come and save them from their own folly. Like, what the fuck do they think Jay-Z can REALLY do for them??? How long have they been digging boreholes in Nigeria, for goodness sake?! How long do they think people are just going to keep giving them money that disappears without achieving much?
Ok, do you see what I'm saying? There is a man that's making a whole in my floor, trying to put a new heating duct in. He's complaining about how hot my apartment is, and when he asked me if I'm hot, I said, well, I'm from the tropics, so I'm used to heat. He said, oh, where are you from? I said, Nigeria, it's in Africa (you know, that whole schpiel). He goes, "That's one place I really wanna go! You know, I watch the History channel, and it's just beautiful to me! It's like the Amish, the way people live and's just beautiful!" Can you just imagine that?? Anyway, like I said, it's not their fault. I'm tired of trying to educate everybody about what Africa really looks like. When I say that I can count the number of times I've been to a village, they think I'm lying because I'm ashamed of the truth. God de.
schpiel.... so that's how it is spelt... i learn something new
First that video is not from South Africa. I can tell you that may want to remove it from your site, its worthless.
Second, it all bullocks that some feel that Jay Z deviated from the original plan. Must the organizers wait for the UN or Jay Z to initiate a social cause in the first place?
I'm particularly disappointed with THiDay and several others that just used and saw the concert purely from an entertainment angle. Who says a social cause can't be wrapped into the a concert? Remember "We are the World?"
And it wouldn't have changed the overall outcome, but would have shown to the whole world that we care and have the decency to reach out to the less fortunate ones in the society. This is what sets aside a serious society from one that that celebrates mediocity.
off topic but Ada
have you by any chance seen the new nollywood movie "Games Men Play"
i know you may not care much for nollywood movies but girl - grab this movie any way you can - the hottest movie out now - seen it loved it and the whole script covers a lot of life issues and questions that will be interesting for discussion.
i am sure somewhere in cali you can get a hold of it - though it hard to come by since it just came out recently.
Script covers a lot of topics - very interesting i promise.
Too late
That clip is like 3 yrs old and longed talked about.
It seems like a slap but he explained it was not like that.
leave the man alone ah ah
saw the video last year....hmmm
Naija has always favored foreign artists, which is just sad. When Naija artists come here (USA), they are not treated the same way. In fact, only the Naija people hear that the artist is here. But when a yankee artists goes over there, all hell breaks lose. That's really quite sad, to say the least.
Charity begins @ home
actually that jay-z clip is from the BACKSTAGE DVD,scene chapter 14, it shows behind the scenes of the hardknocklife tour(1999).the dvd came out in 2000.jay-z and that lady were just play fighting and no one was hurt at all.
You know, I have been waiting for someone to broach the subject of paying almost $1,000 for a concert that in any other part of the world would not have cost you more than £25 per head - I'll use London as an example because that's the hunting ground I know very well. I was even more disgusted when I saw the current Gov'r of Lagos stte and his wife in the papers the next day standing with Beyonce. This can only happen in Nigeria. So tell me, did all the old papa's and mama's know the words to snoop dogs lyrics. I was sooo disgusted. Them all dancing and prancing around like they knew what it was all about. I suspect that even if they paid for the tickets, it came out of the state pockets. Go figure.
You all should just relax. It was a concert meant to attract positive attention to Nigeria and her issues and it did it's job well. I didn't hear anyone complain when Nelson Mandela invited Will Smith to bring all his Hollywood friends to come and perform in South Africa last year or so, to bring attention to the AIDS crisis in Africa. If they are trying to bring attention to the water crisis or better yet the poverty crisis in Nigeria that who are we to argue? For one, any attention is good attention. If Busta, En Vogue, B and Jay can come to Nigeria, perform, get paid on time and get treated well and tell others what a good time they had, then so will other stars and other tourists feel that Nigeria may not be so bad after all and come over to support our Nation and help in its growth. Is this really supposed to be a BAD thing for us, and do you really think we are selling our selves out?? Come on, now! Tourism is a multi-billion dollar industry and has done wonders for multiple under-developed countries in the world. If this revolution can happen to us, Nigeria will start to have a better appeal such as the likes of Jamaica, the Bahamas and will become a popular destination stop for stars and foreign commoners alike. Foreign income will pour into our economy, nurturing development and spur growth; and our place will be put together before you can say "Jack Robinson". That means a better life for you and me, a higher standard of living for Nigerians and a place to go to more often and call home with pride. So give me a break and quit complaining. You should be happy these stars even agreed to come in the first place. With the kind of bad rap Nigeria has been getting of late as a highly unsafe and "the most corrupt nation in the world", they still showed up. :) They respect us enough to show up and put on a hell of a show.
As per the tape, i saw it last year so it ain't no South African girl being pushed or none of that nonsense. I still do think that JayZ is an animal and Beyonce can do much better. It's only a matter of time before he does an "Ike and Tina" on her ass.
@2plus2s: are u also disgusted at Nelson Mandela, he has been known to be seen in the company of Beyonce too
@tutsy: Look at all the concerts you have listed you have gone to, think about it, how much have you spent on concerts? $900? more? less? Just because nigerians spent all that money on one show and you spent it on several shows, you think you should judge them? My point is you have had more opportunity than they have, they probably don't know when they will see Jay-Z again (cos they like him as much as you do) so they went on ahead and spent the money.
As for this whole baby adoption thing, interesting how I have been following several blogs and nobody has mentioned any of these good ideas (instead we all gisting about dresses, $700 shoes etc) as soon as a total stranger takes up the challenge of helping someone, we are all dissecting intentions. How about maybe if we came together and helped with chalk or exercise books for kids from our village? How about that? Maybe there would be no need for these celebrities to come down and do our jobs. We are educated, we are professionals and yet everybody is concerned with only themselves but we complain when others step in. We flaunt how Nigerian we are with our pseudo-American/UK accent, yet haven't been home in more than a decade, if we go, our main interest is looking fly. Abeg leave me o jare. All this comments sef.
@lala- What you said is true about we not doing our work. If we are going to complain about others doing it then we may as well take an active role.
On the other hand, I know only one lala whose closest friend was bola in Est. Are you the same person or someone else
I don't know about the video o, but I find Jay-Z's lyrics really degrading to women. He may be a good rapper and all that, but didn't his mama (or grandma or whoever raised him) teach him to respect women?
More wedding sites please.......
U need to create a niche for what u are synonymous for.....
I will leave the Jay Z concert alone because I don't like to overthink things. A concert cannot and should not be over-analyzed. People paid good money and had good fun. It's that simple! T
What does interest me is Madonna's adoption. On the surface it seems like a trend. All these celebrities are adopting babies. Now "poor African babies" are in demand. The truth is this - I don't see "African-American" stars adopting babies, nor do I see "African" people adopting babies. If you are not doing anything to help these orphans be it in Africa, Asia, Europe....then I don't think it's anyone's place to deduce it to being a trend. No matter how you slice it, dice it or flip it...the child's life is going to be better off.
The solutions are easy to come up with "sponsor a child's upkeep"....NOT. With disfunct, corrupt governments what guarantee is there that the money will actually go to the child? As I sit here, I am not doing anything to embetter the world. I have good and noble ideas about how to do this and how to that. How many of us are proactive participants in "Operation heal the world"?
Look!! my point is this. I am not saying due process should not be followed, but when it's a case of life and death protocol can be broken. When it means giving a child a chance "so called laws" can be broken. We can't start telling wealthy people which projects to work on. Some like Oprah want to build schools; some bring awareness and some adopt. At the end of the day it is a personal choice. Everyone can't do the same thing. Madonna is far from a saint - I have issues with her, but I will not deny her the good she is doing. This child is the only surviving child of 3 children. What wrong is she doing other than with the best intentions loving and caring for him?
Thank you all for your comments. Very interesting and insightful points of view with very valid arguements. Love 'em....keep 'em coming.
@anonymous asking for wedding website... I feel insulted.
brilliant post adaure. brilliant. i have refrained from talking about this on my blog, but maybe i should.
the tickets were overpriced and a clear example of misplaced priorities. the people who would have appreciated the concert the most could not afford to go, while our leaders and representatives were present, with all proof of their moral decadence, in the presence of their mistresses and aristo babes.
our country is not quite right yet.
its actually spelt spiel. Its a German wod which means games.
@anonymous... it is actually both schpiel and spiel. The first being the Yiddish variation and the later teh German. The both mean the same thing : to talk volubly or extravagantly and to play (or as you put it games). So the 'two both of you are' correct...CLAP FOR YOURSELVES. It is me that is the 'olodo' I had never seen the word and only heard it used so I always thought it was spelt 'spill'. Like I said we learn something new everyday.
(psst: I had to employ the rhyme 'I b4 E except after C' to help me throught this i only learnt that one in my junior year in college)
It's not like I don't care about Nigeria o but as for this whole concert charade, my head hurts already trying to think about it, so which one is my own? I don't listen to their type of music anyway although Beyonce is starting to get on my good side small.
As for the whole adoption thing, especially with Madonna, I have one word for ya'll: OPRAH! I believe Madonna is going to be on the Oprah Show today (check your listings) so I reserve all my comments until the woman explains herself well well.
Interesting blog Adaure.
I have no qualms with the concert in Naija. Nobody was forced to go. Nigeria is a poor country but that doesn't mean we don't have the few thousands of people who can afford those tickets easily. The concert wasn't for the masses. It really wasnt. Enough said.
On the issue of celebrities adopting African kids, we fail to realize that this is just the way the hollywood culture does things - fully publicized with little or no concrete substance. See how we all have things to say about this adoption thing. At least they are doing something. What are we as Africans doing to help our people? Granted we don't all make millions of dollars a year, but we can't just sit on our behinds and wait for the day we do make these millions to do something. We need to stop sitting on the sidelines and watch as the world rapes the dignity out of our continent. Do your part. Donate to what ever charity you deem fit. Heck start up a charity if you can. My 2 cents.
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